705.522.3191 | 1.800.887.2643

Specialized Testing

Certified Audio (Hearing) Testing / Audiograms

This is the measure of hearing sensitivity over a series of frequencies. Baseline audiograms are used as part of the pre-employment package and periodic audiograms for hearing conservation programs.

The audiogram includes examination of the outer and inner ear in order to identify abnormalities that could impede the ability to hearing pure tone sounds. Employees are placed in a sound booth, given specific instructions and provided a headset and button indicator. Our Audio-Technicians record and report their assessments and results.

ECG Testing

ECG is a test that monitors the hearts activity and detects certain heart conditions. The technician will apply leads to the patients body and then perform the non-invasive test.

Electrocardiogram (ECG) confirms that the potential employee has a stable cardiac status. This status is essential for any safety sensitive or safety critical position. Total Nursing Care Inc. will provide the employer with a 12 lead ECG report.


Spirometry / Pulmonary Function Testing

A baseline spirometry reading is provided as part of a pre-employment package or as part of an assessment package for fitness to wear respiratory protective equipment. Abnormal results are sent to be reviewed by your family physician or assigned occupational physician with referral to family physician as required.


lung function test on ipad screen with stethoscope and pen
heart beat icon


24/7 Mobile On-site Testing Available
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.